Dental Crowns - Bullhead City, AZ

Custom Dental Crowns

Replace worn, broken, or decayed teeth with dental crowns from our expert dental team at Bullhead City Dentistry.

dental instruments being picked up Bullhead City Dentistry Bullhead City, AZ
The Most Versatile Treatment Option

What Are Dental Crowns?

Crowns are an excellent way to restore strength and size to a tooth that has been broken or damaged severely. This can happen in an accident or due to multiple fillings over time. Dental crowns are so popular due to their strength, tooth-like appearance, and versatility! Crowns can be used in combination with dental implants, bridges, and more to help you get back to smiling without missing a beat.

dental crown illustration Bullhead City Dentistry Bullhead City, AZ
man smiling Bullhead City Dentistry Bullhead City, AZ
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benefits of Service

Fix Broken, Worn, & Decayed Teeth

acts as a "cap" on top of your repaired tooth

Realistic, natural Appearance

Variety of material options depending on budget

All Crowns are matched to your natural tooth color

Dental Crowns

Dental Crown Experts

Our team has spent decades perfecting all aspects of cosmetic and restorative dentistry to be able to handle any dental situation. Dental crowns are one of the most versatile tools in a dentist's toolshed, and we take time to customize every crown to our patient's needs.

dental chair and equipment Bullhead City Dentistry Bullhead City, AZ
Dental Crowns

Crowns that match you

Whether a patient has an abrasion, fracture, or requires a simple restoration, a crown can provide the comfort and confidence that a tooth is intact and healthy. While crowns can be made of metal, porcelain fused to metal (PFM), or all-porcelain, today's dental restorations are made of porcelain because they are esthetically beautiful, durable, and blend with the natural color and shape of teeth. So why wait to have the smile of your dreams? Contact us today!

woman smiling in the street Bullhead City Dentistry Bullhead City, AZ

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